It seems that ordering online has really taken off here, basically you can buy anything online, nothing too different from anywhere you may say, but here it actually works. I ordered a book from The Book Depository in the expectation that I wouldn't see it for about 3 weeks. In Australia you order something online, wait awhile, forget about it, then when it arrives it's like a surprise all over again. Here I ordered the book on Friday, and by 9am Monday it had been delivered, so whilst I lost out on the secondary joy of receiving something that had long been forgotten about, I had the book in less than 24 business hours.
In this fever of online ordering I decided to try and get some new gym gear, having culled everything for the move. I'd already been to a few stores in person and was starting to despair, it was either all really running specific, not what you want to wear to yoga, or too expensive, or it was like visiting a Target shop. The people from Canberra will know what I'm talking about, you walk into a store which seemingly has a lot of stock, and you find that actually there's not a thing that you could buy.
On another note we're off to Barcelona tomorrow evening. It's going to be interesting to return, last time I was there was in 2007/2008 and I really loved it. But maybe that's because I didn't really have any expectations and the place turned out to be just what I needed at that point. So I'm hoping I like it as much the second time round, when there is the large weight of expectation hanging on it.
"Is this the Ugliest Mug You've Ever Seen?"
ReplyDeleteCounting Dave's head? ...nowhere near.
But that's okay, most British men are ugly gits so I'm sure over there he looks quite handsome in comparison.
(If Ian reads this, please note the word MOST. Not all. MOST.)
Haha nice one Lauren, I didn't even think of that. Annabel