Friday 21 October 2011

Rotten Apples

Look at that sky!  Summer in Regeants Park, who said the weather was bad here?
We had some bad luck with our iMac this week, one of the backlights in the screen looks to have blown.  So we are desktop-less this week, which means no more Ireland photos for a little while, at least until we get the computer back.

Apple Care was actually much better than what I was expecting, though if you go in with terribly low expectations you can sometimes be pleasantly surprised.  They sent someone out the next day to take it in to be repaired, which is good, I was dreading trying to carry a 27" desktop onto the tube.

Hopefully the problem isn't too major and we can get our computer back with no loss of data.  Though reading the webs it seems that this problem is not terribly uncommon.  It seems Apple is refusing to acknowledge it, which is why you won't see this problem anywhere on the Apple Support pages, but there are about 15 threads on the MacRumours site.  Poor show Apple, this is worse than Microsoft, they replaced their dodgy x-boxes, no questions asked, whilst you are refusing to say anything about it.  It means people who have just gone out of warranty are now finding their screens busted and have to pay $600 to get it repaired.  In fact there is a court case in the US at the moment as to just how much Apple knew about this issue before they released the computer.  I'm just wondering if anyone out there knows the date when Apple turned evil? 

Other than that just got a few photos for you.  Straight off the camera I'm afraid as Lightroom is on the iMac.  Oh yeah, and we went to Oxford last weekend, post to follow soon.

Dinner location by the Thames in Oxford

Oxford skyline, with a splash of autumn colour

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